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  MIYAJIMA Yuichi   Faculty of Literature Department of History and Culture   Research Professor
■ Present specialized field
  Key Word:Social studies geography and history department method of education 
■ Main Subject
Social Studies, Geography and History
■ Academic background
1. 1978/04~1981/03 Kokugakuin University Kugayama High School Graduated
2. 1986/04~1988/03 Meiji University Graduate School Graduate School, Division of Letters〔Master degree program〕 Completed Master of Arts
■ Business career
1. 1990/04~1997/03 Shukutoku Yono High School social studies teacher teacher
2. 2021/04~ Chuo Gakuin University Faculty of Law Part-time lecturer
■ Qualification and license
1. 1985/03/26 assistant surveyor
■ Books and Papers
1. Book "How to incorporate sdgs into social studies classes"  (Single)  2022/01
2. Paper Society 5.0 and general geography  (Single)  2022/06
3. Paper "Easy! Let's engage in pair debates that don't take much time."  (Single)  2022/08
4. Paper Geography education theory for 21st century teachers - Systematic geography field  (Single)  2023/06
5. Paper General geography class using website  (Single)  2024/03
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Practicing active learning - Using examples from South Asia and West Asia in middle school - (Geography Education Research Group 55th Conference)
2. 2023/07/30 Use websites to understand regional characteristics (Geography Education Research Group 61th Conference)
3. 2022/08 Topography and people's lives in the "General Geography" class - using Geographical Survey Institute maps - (41st regular meeting of the Secondary Social Studies Practical Study Group)
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2021/04/01~ Social studies geography and history education method at Daito Bunka University and Hosei University
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2010 Junior high school textbook "Our junior high school society: Geographic field"Nihon syoseki
2. 2014/04/01~ The teaching materials document which it is a geography class and wants to use
3. 2017/02/15~2023/03/31 High school modern geography A newly-revised edition
4. 2019/07/26~ The teaching materials document which it is a new publication geography class and wants to use
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■ Results on duty
● Special note of person who has experience of business
1. 1988/04/01~2021/03/31 As a junior high school and high school social studies teacher, I have experience in actually teaching social studies classes.
■ E-Mail Address

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