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  HAMADA Kumiko   Faculty of Literature Department of Education   Professor
■ Present specialized field
  Japanese history (Key Word:Japanese ancient history) 
■ Main Subject
Japanese History,History of Books & Libraries
■ Academic background
1. 1991/04~1995/03 Waseda University Graduated
2. 1998/04~2001/03 Hosei University Graduate School, Division of Humanities〔Master degree program〕 Completed
3. 2001/04~2009/03 Hosei University Graduate School, Division of Humanities〔Doctoral course〕 Completed
■ Business career
1. 1995/04~2018/03 National Diet Library, Japan Librarian
■ Qualification and license
1. Teaching specialized license for High School (History and Geography)
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number

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