EZAKI Yasuhiro   Faculty of International Relations Department of International Cultures   Research Professor
■ Title
  The Global Railway Market : The Present Situation of Japanese Companies and Their Potential New Path to Globalization
■ Outline
  Hitachi has secured a major business deal in the U.K., the home of Europe's "Big 3" global railroad market. In the UK rail project, the contract partner required not only the supply of rolling stock but also a long-term maintenance contract in the UK and the establishment of a plant to manufacture rolling stock locally for mass production to ensure employment. The report examines how Hitachi hedged these risks and achieved the contract, which also required the use of a large amount of capital.
  Yasuhiro EZAKI
  Single   The Social Science Review   The Economics Society of Saitama University   (142),pp.65   2014/06

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