EZAKI Yasuhiro   Faculty of International Relations Department of International Cultures   Research Professor
■ Title
  Vietnamese Environmental Project by Small and Medium Enterprises- Overview and Future Issues- -Case Study :Development Support by K-RIP-
■ Outline
  Accompanying the mission of environment-related SMEs to Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) as part of the Vietnam Environment Project implemented by the Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (dispatch period: November 26 - December 1, 2017), and after reaffirming the institutional differences between Japan and Vietnam that Vitt pointed out, Option 1 "Change the business process and accept the local conditions." In addition to a summary report of the mission from the viewpoint of whether it is possible to do so, the future business potential and its challenges will be discussed.
  Yasuhiro EZAKI
  Single   Review of East Asia Affairs   Center for East Asian Studies,University of Nagasaki   (10),pp.75   2018/03

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