ナガタ キヨシ
  永田 清   経営学部 経営学科   教授
■ 標題
  Some Properties of Binary Gray Code
■ 概要
  The binary Gray code, or the reflected binary code, is a code whose code-word changes only one bit and the Hamming distance of two adjacent code-words is always one. Although the binary Gray code itself has many applications and is related to theoretical or practical facts, we are interested in it as a transforming function from a residue numbers modulo a power of 2 to a product of binary number of certain size. In this paper, we especially focus on the weight of n-the code-word, and give some properties of the weight which might help us to lead a map with a required characteristics.
  Kiyoshi Nagata and Fidel Nemenzo
  共著   Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Application Technologies   Conference Publishing Services   pp.72-75   2015/08

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