ナガタ キヨシ
  永田 清   経営学部 経営学科   教授
■ 標題
  Mass formula and structure of self-dual codes over $Z_{2^s}$
■ 概要
  We look at the structure of and give a mass formula for self-dual codes over the ring $Z/2^sZ$ of integers modulo $2^s$ . Together with earlier work on the case of odd primes, this completes the mass formula for self-dual codes for $Z/p^sZ$, for all prime numbers p and positive integers s.
  Nagata, K., Nemenzo, F., Wada, H.
  共著   Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography   Springer US   67(3),pp.293-316   2013/06

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