ナガタ キヨシ
  永田 清   経営学部 経営学科   教授
■ 標題
  Integrating Modified Structural Modeling Method with an Information Security Evaluation System
■ 概要
  When we think of organizational and highly human related security evaluation system, we will see that we must meet decision making problems among some members with various and different abilities and experiences in many stages. Talking of group decision making, we have already proposed the modified structural modeling method. In this paper we seek a possibility of integrating the modified structural modeling method with an information security evaluation system. There are several kinds of existing information evaluation systems. At first, we review some of them and choose one as targeted system. Then integrate our decision making system into it, and verify that the integration is effectively performed by applying it to a simulated organization.
  Kiyoshi Nagata, Yutaka Kigawa, Dongmei Cui, and Michio Amagasa
  共著   Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2007   pp.ID68   2007/12

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