スズキ ヒロノリ
  鈴木 敬了   外国語学部 英語学科   教授
■ 標題
  Metrical influence on 'auxiliary + main verb' constructions in the Old English poem Exodus
■ 概要
  This paper posits that alliteration and the scope of each half-line boundary are important factors in determining the orders of modal auxiliaries (M) and non-finite verbs (V) in OE poetry. The overall survey so far encompasses eleven OE poems, with the inclusion of this new study primarily investigating the Old English poem Exodus.
  単著   中世英語英文学研究の多様性とその展望:吉野利弘先生 山内一芳先生 喜寿記念論文集   春風社   44-58頁   2020/11

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