SUZUKI Hironori   Faculty of Foreign Languages Department of English Language   Professor
■ Title
  "The composition of 'auxiliary + main verb' constructions in Old English poetry," in Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics, Berlin: Peter Lang, 23-40.
■ Outline
  This paper posits that alliteration and the scope of each half-line boundary are important factors in determining the orders of modal auxiliaries (M) and non-finite verbs (V) in OE poetry. The survey encompasses ten OE poems, with this study primarily investigating the verse and prose versions of Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae and Genesis B and its Old Saxon original.
  Single   Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics   Berlin: Peter Lang   pp.pp. 23-40   2018/12

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