スギモリ ヒロキ
  杉森 裕樹   スポーツ・健康科学部 看護学科   教授
■ 標題
  母親は携帯電話使用のリスクをどのように考えているのか : 携帯電話の電磁波の発がんリスクに関する認知
■ 概要
  This study investigates the perceived risk and regulatory preferences of mothers regarding mobile phone technology as a tumor promoting factor. We conducted an online survey, with 10,249 mothers of primary schoolchildren as participants. The results show that mothers perceived mobile phones as low risk and high benefit. They had few concerns about regulatory responses. The cognitive map indicates that participants perceived the risk of mobile phone as "unknown" and "moderately dreadful" as they did the risks associated with coffee and fluorescent light. Preference for the regulation of children's mobile phone use is determined by the perceived risk level, number of people exposed, mothers' employment status, and children's ages. We suggest that mothers accept their children's mobile phone use based on their perception that the use has a high benefit and low risk.
  高木 彩.堀口逸子、 杉森裕樹、柴田 清、丸井英二
  共著   日本リスク研究学会誌   23(3),193-199頁   2013/10

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