カツマタ ヒロム
  勝又 宏   スポーツ・健康科学部 スポーツ科学科   教授
■ 標題
  A preliminary study to capture the characteristics of backswing movement
in baseball throwing
■ 概要
  For delivering high speed pitch, backswing movement plays an important role as a counter movement for utilizing biomechanical properties to accelerating the forward arm swing. The present study examined baseball throwing movements to capture the characteristic of backswing movement by 3D-motion analysis. We identified the spped profile of ball movement during backswing phase was associated with acceleration of the ball duing forward arm swing.
  Hiromu Katsumata, Junichiro Sasaki, and Takeshi Kawai
  共著   Journal of Ergonomis   7(3)   2017/05

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