カツマタ ヒロム
  勝又 宏   スポーツ・健康科学部 スポーツ科学科   教授
■ 標題
  Coordination of hitting movement revealed in baseball tee-batting
■ 概要
  Characteristics of the batter's intennded impact locations across the strike zone was identified by examining the preferred impact locations at nine different heights and courses within the strike zone. The distribution of impact locaitons showed regularity, which was achieved by systematic modulation of trunk and arm movements as the impact locations changed. The results indicated that even though movements among body segments were properly coordinated for different impact locations, fine timing adjustments were also required to hit the ball at those preferred impact locations and therefore properly react to differences in flight paths.
  Himi, K., Ino, T., Ogawa, K., & Matsumoto, T.
  共著   Journal of Sports Sciences   Taylor & Francis   pp.1-13   2017/01

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