ナカシマ カズトシ
  中島 一敏   スポーツ・健康科学部 健康科学科   教授
■ 標題
  Web survey-based selection of controls for epidemiological analyses of a multi-prefectural outbreak of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in Japan associated with consumption of self-grilled beef hanging tender.
■ 概要
  ◎Yahata Y, Ohshima N, Odaira F, Nakamura N, Ichikawa H, Matsuno K, Shuri J, Toyozawa T, Terajima J, Watanabe H, Nakashima K, Sunagawa T, Taniguchi K, Okabe N.
  共著   Epidemiol Infect.   146(4),pp.450-457   2018

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