ドイ リョウイチ
  土居 良一   社会学部 社会学科   教授
■ 標題
  Doi 2004. Soil bacterial community profiling with Biolog kinetic and antibiotic resistance most probable number approaches showed multidimensionality of land degradation.
■ 概要
  The Biolog method was expected to give multiple measures of soil quality by adopting a logistic model and profiling soils
based on the parameters. Soil bacterial communities on a land degradation gradient represented by a tropical forest and its degraded status, bare ground, in Thailand were profiled with the Biolog method and the antibiotic resistance MPN method. Results of principal component analysis, redundancy analysis and Wilk's lambda computation showed the applicability of the parameters and the methods to obtaining integrated measures of soil quality. All the most significant ordination axes explained the degradation gradient, while related differently to soil environmental factors, indicating the multidimensionality of the land degradation and different meanings of the axes as measures of soil quality. It is expected that the current approaches would help us monitor soil quality and manage lands effectively.

  単著   Int. J. Agric. Biol.   6,pp.284-288   2004

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