ドイ リョウイチ
  土居 良一   社会学部 社会学科   教授
■ 標題
  Doi & Puriyakorn 2007. Physico-chemical and bacterial profiling of soils for describing a land-degradation gradient
■ 概要
  The article discusses a study on the use of physico-chemical and bacterial profiling of soils to describe a land-degradation gradient. Soil fertility index values (SFI) were calculated to quantify the intensity of land degradation. It cites the minor principal components that are correlated with the physico-chemical characteristics. It concludes that the empirical approaches for monitoring soil quality can contribute to land conservation and management practices.
  Doi, R. and Puriyakorn, B.
  共著   Curr. Sci.   92(8),pp.1050-1054   2007

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