ダレン マクドナルド
  ダレン マクドナルド   経営学部 経営学科   教授
■ 標題
  Strategic Human Resource Management Approaches to Workforce Diversity in Japan - Harnessing Corporate Culture for Organizational Competitiveness
■ 概要
  Japanese human resource management (HRM) is currently faced with challenges that have emerged from the increasing diversity among employees. This study surveyed fivecompanies (in the food, chemical, trade, and education sectors), focusing on three types of diversity - employment structures, values held by different generations, and gender. Drawing from the survey results, this paper attempts to provide guidelines for formulating contingent proactive HRM approaches in managing diversity and to harness corporate culture in achieving organizational competitiveness.
  単著   Global Management Review   Sage Publications   4(1),pp.99-114   2003/01

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