タナカ ヒロシ
  田中 博史   スポーツ・健康科学部 スポーツ科学科   教授
■ 標題
  About the changes of attendance students' feeling in scuba diving intensive course
■ 概要
  The purpose of this research was that measure change of the feeling at the time of a scuba dive intensive course, and an attendance student's feeling shows clearly how it changes. The results were as follows. 1)Since an attendance student's feeling was good, it was suggested that the scuba diving is suitable for the lesson in the university. 2)Since a feeling becomes negative on the night of the first day, cautions are required when making a schedule. 3)An attendance student's state anxiety is cancelable by before lesson. Therefore, it is important to have a class before a scuba diving intensive course and to cancel an attendance student's anxiety.
  Hiroshi Tanaka
  単著   4th ICHPER.SD ASIA CONGRESS Proceedings.      2003/03

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