A.R. ウルック
  A.R. ウルック   国際関係学部 国際文化学科   准教授
■ 標題
  Employing visual artefacts to generate oral and visual data: An exploration of e-ma
■ 概要
  Applied visual enquiry (AVE) is an arts-based methodology and theoretical frame which hypothesis that visual arts, in a myriad of forms, from mark-making and collage through model-making and drawing to realia and artefacts, possess an inherent proclivity for something other, something beyond the surface dimension, and beyond perhaps, their immediate or original intention or use. That is to infer that it is demonstrable that visual processes and visual artefacts have a propensity to be deployed in the pursuit of a secondary aim, an aim which, in many instances surmounts the original purpose of use. In this case, the Japanese votive tablet, e-ma (絵馬) was used as a means to engage the largely voiceless citizens of Belfast’s ‘Donegall Pass’ with the theme of hope. This research demonstrates that in this role, e-ma proved to be an extremely potent tool for eliciting both visual and oral data. And that rather than being unidimensional in nature, this data was extremely varied and textural resulting in the discovery that they assist in producing visual data of three kinds and oral data of four. Examples of these data are presented in this research, along with contextual data consisting of cultural, historical, and social data of both a primary and secondary nature.
  単著   東洋研究   244,57-90頁   2022/07

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