ヒメタ マリコ
  姫田 麻利子   外国語学部 英語学科   教授
■ 標題
  Expériences plurilingues des personnels d’accueil en crèche : communication avec les parents allophones nouvellement arrivés et les enfants bilingues émergents
■ 概要
  We discuss the practice and perception of childcare staff in Japan in their role of reducing the distance between newcomers and the host society. How do they welcome parents with communication difficulties in Japanese and emergent bilingual children? Several studies based on quantitative surveys highlight the language barrier felt by childcare staff and the attitude of maintaining their standards. In order to understand in detail their multilingual and multicultural experiences and the resulting changes in their practice, we conducted interviews. The participants in our study value the establishment of relationships with parents, through which they create new codes of communication, and even modify their usual norms when faced with cultural conflicts. On the other hand, attitudes towards children’s bilingualism varied, from those who cited confusion between the two languages to those who integrated the home language of some children into activities.
  Mariko Himeta & Jaehee Oh
  共著   Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures, Les cahiers de l'Acedle, 22-2, 2024   22(2),1-13頁   2024/05

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