Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Researcher number
researchmap Researcher code
Present specialized field
Books and Papers
1. Papers
2. Other
3. Papers
4. Papers
5. Other
Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/07/20
2. 2022/11/18
3. 2021/08/18
4. 2021/06/12
5. 2018/12/06
Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2013/04 ~ 2016/03
2. 2014/04 ~ 2018/03
3. 2020/04 ~ 2024/03
4. 2022 ~ 2025
5. 2024/04 ~ 2027/03
Abroad career
1. 2016/04/01 ~ 2017/03/31